Saturday 24 October 2015


A couple of pencil and charcoal drawings looking Ay some different views..
A bolt holing a rail around a skate ramp, a wooden pencil and a portrait of a skater  (looking down at her board, hair floating, asking me if I wished I could draw)


A double take image to really make you think 

Wednesday 14 October 2015


i dont think my house mate has ever felt so awkward posing for a drawing before. of course not completely naked but enough so i could see the folds and the curves.  a quick 10 minute attempt. 

Life drawing pt 2

a friend knew the model today so it made me feel less awkward when drawing her. i started looking more closely at her body and the way it moves and the arcs of her muscles. learning to look at the lines down the body and what is in line with what to get the weigh distribution right. enjoyed the class and the drawings have progressed thanks to some practice at home before hand. 

First life drawing class

i felt a little awkward at first, not knowing where to look. the awkwardness subsided but i fear my next life drawing class will result again in the same feeling all over again with a new model.. 
the drawings got better, the proportions worked themselves out in the end. hopefully in the next class ill do better. 

Monday 12 October 2015

The walking blob

basic walk cycle, with passing pose as a reference for the next time i need to do a walk cycle - which i assume will be sooner rather than later :)

Sunday 11 October 2015

Music Project pt 8 (Baby Birdy)

Sweet and Simple, learning some of the functions in flash whilst still using the Wacom tablet. Really enjoying the piece of equipment, so different to drawing on paper.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Tablet sunshine

first attempt at drawing on a google tablet, using my finger, but a good idea for drawings when on the train or walking around to get some first hand drawings instead of concept art, made up from ideas in my head. 

Thursday 8 October 2015


having some fun experimenting with blobs and summersaults.

Jumping Stick Man

Just for fun :)

turning hand

5 hours later and I think it was time well spent.

I had some issues keeping the volume consistent throughout the animation, and the colouring in was done by hand as the paint bucket tool was being a pain and not working properly. But i think that the work I've done on this is good for a first attempt. When i have some free time I will be practicing with side projects like this, keeping volume consistent and changing perspectives.

Bouncy Ball Attempt 1

Badly Done Bouncing Ball...
 Timing is definitely something I could work on....

Pretty House (The Music Project, Pt 7)

Mucking about with flash and the Wacom tablet today, learning how to use both... Im just glad my drawings on paper are better...
(Listening to 'Home' - Michael Buble )

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Squash and Stretch

First attempt at the squash and stretch assignment. Think I did pretty well considering I had no idea how Flash worked before I started this. I think I kept the volumes pretty consistent and introduced myself to the idea of 'anticipation'
"Anticipation is one of the fundamental 12 basic principles of animation, as set out by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston in their authoritative 1981 book on the Disney Studio titled The Illusion of Life. An anticipation pose or drawing is a preparation for the main action of an animated scene, as distinct from the action and the reaction."

The music project pt 6

Listening to songs from my childhood yesterday and I drew lopmon, a digimonr on the first series. Pencil drawing took all of 10 minutes. 

The music project pt 5

The Little Mermaid sound track, 30 mins. The animal version of Ursula. 

The music project pt4

Darkrai in charcoal and white pastel on black watercolour background. 

Tuesday 6 October 2015

The music project pt3

Decided to listen to 'jar of hearts' by Christina Perry, on Sunday. 

First attempt at storyboarding

Not to ruin the plot, but a girl finds out she is pregnant, gives the child up, moves on with her life. Te daughter now grown up goes searching for her mother  only to find that her half brother says she is dying of cancer. The daughter rushes to hospital a few days later only enter the room as her mother dies. While the two characters 'meet' in the end, it is not the happy ending you would expect. 

Friday 2 October 2015

The music project pt2

Just to show you the development of my toothless drawing, I watched the movie before listening to the sound track on loop for 3 hours until I finished. 

New Website

New Animation Website