Sunday 6 December 2015

Storytboarding Premilinary Backgrounds Stage 2

So I decided to paint some backgrounds in order to inspire my storyboarding project. the scenes are hopefully going to be used as the background for the Canadian Rainforest in a Ranger Rick episode :)
only one is complete but the inspiration is bubbling :)

the Ranger Rick Page 

Ranger Rick Project - Stage 1

the Ranger Rick Page 


Taking some time out to draw for myself instead of for the course. 
Taking a second look at figure, animals, motion and the look of hair. 
Duration 6 hours over 2 days

- Using beer bottle caps as a pallet, taking inspiration from Borderlands - the videogames

The Eden Project Art Pt2 ( Inspired work)

 for this piece, i covered the page in glue, crumbled biscuits on top and painted layers of brown paint in varying colours to create a dirt like texture. 

Saturday 5 December 2015

The Eden Project Photos Pt4 (Leaves)

The Eden Project Photos Pt3 ( Flowers)

The Eden Project Photos Pt2 (Stairways)

 So I like the stairs? Maybe because of the series of lines, maybe because I'm working on perspective with my drawings? Who knows :)

The Eden Project Artwork Pt1

went to the eden project today with my class, went around the outside in the rain before entering the biomes. ^ just a little pencil drawing from the Mediterranean biome of some mushrooms on the bridge over the waterfall. 

here is the same scene but in photo form :

The Eden Project Photos Pt1 (landscapes)

A little Look at the Biomes, and the Cute Plant Shop 

New Website

New Animation Website