Friday 6 May 2016

100th post special

since this is my 100th post and the day of the deadline for the majority of my Uni work, I have decided to upload as much as possible in one post :) that includes development work to final hand ins. the lot :)

so the 20 second experimental pieces I had to make turned out pretty well.. the only problem was, i made too many and couldn't upload them all to be graded as the limit was only 2. too bad really but here is all the 'stop motion' shorts I've created:

Multimedia 90 second Experimental Project

So this is my final Experimental piece. Its obviously going to be personal as it is a self portrait piece and my voice may be completely monotone in it but with the help of my fiancé, I mixed together two 
songs that I quite liked to back up some live action which he, for the most part, filmed. 

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