Tuesday 26 December 2017

Christmas Holidays - Gran

  Christmas is a time for family, but family interactions tire me out, so, I pay attention to my family in a slightly different way 😊

Thursday 21 December 2017


I dont get a lot of work done at christmas, its more editing photos and videos, creating slideshows of the year gone past to update my granma and planning for the next semester. SO -  9 hours of train ride and modeling rocks in Mudbox later, I Arrived in Durham and this is the welcom I received. 

Monday 18 December 2017

3rd year - Semester 1 overview


Animation can be hard. I knew that when I signed up for it (kind of) but nothing could prepare me for, a lack of drawing, nightmares about spreadsheets, constantly attatched to my phone, handing out work to others, and having to quit/ firing people. I never thought I’d be cut out for it... but if I’ve proven anything to myself this year, its that, I never cease to surprise myself.

I used my powers of persuasion to boring people onto the project I was working on, I learnt new skills to fill the gaps in projects. I enticed the group members to work with the promise of the Animators 3 most wanted treats: Coffee, Alcohol, and Yummy Treats. 
I think the multi-coloured post-it notes I always seemed to have on me also helped with production, but who knows. This semester, working on these project, the year really has banded together. You have producers from different friendship circles making friends and giving each other tips -  I think they Should have made it mandatory for lead roles to have meetings to get other opinions, but thats just mine I guess. We had a lot of break downs in our year. Tomas wore his comfort blanket in uni far more than both previous years put together and others began opting for similar coping techniques for the rigorous hours. With 14 films in the making and only 6 3rd years per team we are all a little spread thin, and most of us working on more than the allowed 2 film maximum to extend our show reels. It’s causing stress, and alcoholism, but it is Uni after all and I guess, even with all the distress this semester has caused,  we are all looking forward to the next semester. atleast, I truest am. The films are going to be amazing, they have to be in order to make up for the depressing fact that none of us will probably ever see each other again after graduation. It’s a sad thought but Uni has been amazing, and I’m glad 3rd year, semester 1 has really brought everyone together, even if it was in joint dispare. 

Thursday 14 December 2017

Pocket Pals

Needless to say, I didn’t have the best experience as ‘Art Director’ for PocketPals this semester. Actually, I ended up dropping out. But never the less, I still handed in my work, Producing work or not, I still did a lot for the project and I wasn’t going to let my breakdowns and distraction of mental health go to waste. So here is my Pocket_Pals_hand_in:

I had to rush to hand in my work, as I had almost forgotten to hand the work in altogether, so some is missing - badger turn around, some birds (peregrin falcon, red kite.. etc), concept art, more layouts. The Director got so mad that I left he deleted the Pipeline and Spreadsheets I had created. Sad isn’t it 😔

New Website

New Animation Website