Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Urbex pt2

so this is how it begins. a flat plane, a big ass wall and two sloped walls at 81.5 and 98.5 degrees from the main wall. 
I designed an arch by creating a pillar from a cube, removing the top face, duplicating it, then double clicking both top rings (where that face i just deleted was), mesh, combine, edit mesh, bridge (option box), curved (not linear), then played around with the shape of the arch until i created a shape i liked.

the next step was a little more tedious.. i used the edge loop tool.. a lot. to create faced to delete in order to open up a hole for the window. not sure i want it all the way to the ground any more, but a problem for another day i guess. it did take a long time to make the window, the way i did, but I'm sure theres an easier way to go about it, which i will be asking my teacher about next class :)

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