Saturday 2 April 2016

The Easter holiday check list

Easter Holidays has been, so far, a horrific time. Overwhelming amounts of work with no time to complete it all. I wrote the list (below) to help me organise my time, no order of importance, just a list as i thought of them... more tasks have been added since and still none of it completed. The problem is, i never know where to start, and the stress of all the work and the list with nothing checked off it stalking my dreams. I've started some of the tasks, such as the parallax piece, and completed 2 of the 5 perspective drawings, I've started foliage drawings for my sketchbook but with no idea of how many drawings i am meant to do, the size, the mediums - the brief gave no detail. there are many things half done, started or almost there but then i look at the list and read down the list until theres something that doesn't sound too horrifically stressful to start. What I'm saying is. Animation is hard, its loads of drawing the same thing over and over again, and i want to get it all started so that i can finalise all the pieces on the same day and skip the crossing out of bullet points and just throw the whole list away, its just getting there, to that point... 

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