Thursday 12 May 2016

Merlins Beard

so this is, a sneak preview of some of the completed scenes for out Penryn 800th anniversary Animation all about Merlins prophecy :)

so while i didn't do everything in each shot, i helped with animating waves, inbetweening, cleanup, colouring, and all that jazz

Saturday 7 May 2016

2D Lip sync

so this is the lip sync for my DGA 140: Motion Studies module, the audio is slightly iffy, but this is my first attempt at lip syncing. if that wasn't stressful and confusing enough, our 2D lecturer added that  we must include sign language as we have a deaf student in the class and it would be good practice when it comes to animating movement.

I didn't have time to finish it before the final deadline, but of course it will be completed and added to this post in a week or two:

Friday 6 May 2016

2D Dance Animation key framing

100th post special

since this is my 100th post and the day of the deadline for the majority of my Uni work, I have decided to upload as much as possible in one post :) that includes development work to final hand ins. the lot :)

so the 20 second experimental pieces I had to make turned out pretty well.. the only problem was, i made too many and couldn't upload them all to be graded as the limit was only 2. too bad really but here is all the 'stop motion' shorts I've created:

Multimedia 90 second Experimental Project

So this is my final Experimental piece. Its obviously going to be personal as it is a self portrait piece and my voice may be completely monotone in it but with the help of my fiancé, I mixed together two 
songs that I quite liked to back up some live action which he, for the most part, filmed. 

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Background Project - final hand in

so just for reference sake, this is my final background Project hand in. 
2 sketches from my previous storyboards, revamped and a little cleaner, followed by another two sketches along with their perspective storyboards and final background pieces. The interior is boomers bedroom with sunlight and a spot light, while the exterior is in an analogous colour palette in the deep green forest. 

New Website

New Animation Website