Thursday 15 September 2016

Summer 2016

So the start of summer is officiated by my leavers photo, my true goodbye to Penryn Campus for the summer, and Cottages for good.
I absolutely loved my room last year, the memories, the antics, the neighbours, the friends... the speakers. I know my room next year won't be anywhere near as nice, I know I probably won't have a window to sit out, stables opposite, my best friends just a courtyard tiptoe away in my slippers or socks. but next year ill make nee friends, and keep the old too. not going to miss the ants in the kitchen and the birds flying in and out of the house, probably won't miss the cats 'presents' of dead mice, but couscous the cat.... i will miss your tail flicking my face till i sneeze, kind of.

while you may think theres only architecture in london to draw, well.. you're right, apart from the few parks, the scenery isn't much to look at if I'm honest. it doesn't really inspire the animator in me. so, i spent a substantial amount of time on the trains. i started drawing pokemon over the summer, inspired by the release of Pokemon Go, everyone was playing it. Any time a person mentioned a pokemon in conversation (eves dropping is wrong i know, whatever) id start drawing that pokemon, and sometimes a person would remind me of a pokemon by their scarf or outfit, weird shoes or strange hairdo. these were my two favourite of the summer, till the pokemon hype slowed somewhat.

this is the first drawing in my new home. it is, september now, and classes start in a couple of days. charcoal on my massive pink rubber, a pencil that understands me, a drawing that expresses my love of disney, mac beneath, and a cup of tea on the side.
now, its nothing like my darkrai drawing in pen, but it somewhat shares features to my other pen drawing of a Cubone above. Im looking forward to the next semester, but yet still in fear of what it will bring. Maybe the briefs make the course look scarier than they really are... we can only hope..

in the mean time...

i guess enjoy my freedom for now, and just forget about it :)

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