Thursday 3 November 2016


So Derek took the DGA210 Scheduling for Animation lass this week as Kathy was away and it was rather eventful for the table I sat on. we were set to create a costume that fits the character designs a company had made for an animation which they wanted to add to their theme parks - i didn't really understand the context, but while most people went for simplistic character designs, referencing and other doodles before going into costume design i went for the classic periscope idea.. yeah i know, not exactly classic. I did it as more of a joke at first but my table seemed to think it a viable costume design as the rest of them had just been looking at cute puppies rather than paying attention to the class... i mean.. they did do character designs in the end too but... yeah. 

basically its meant to be an ostrich but when i first saw the character design i thought it was a duck so excuse the face. but never the less... the guy has tights on, and then a body of fluff which is weighted on - probably - stilts... he holds the periscope up and sees through the eyes, and then the tail is also mechanical and will waft cool air into the suit through its... to put it politely... its rear end... the periscope would be heavy so in stead of holding it i guess it could be attached round the waist of the 'actor' and then.... the costume could hang around that?

i did some other drawings of festive ostriches with hula skirts and christmas hats too... not sure how the neck would bend just yet but... for a quick twenty minute exercise i think it went rather... spiffingly :)

side note: i thought stilts would make it hella cute and the kids would forever be terrified of ostriches. 

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