Friday 4 November 2016

Deflated - Pet shop owner - Character design

So recently i went to my first Deflated meeting. Id already been set the task of finishing a turn around sheet for the maid character, but in the end they changed the design and started over -.- what a waste.... oh well...

so they set me this on Wednesday and its now... Friday. so this is what i achieved on day on... just a couple of simple sketches and ideas on paper as i didnt have a wire to use a wacom tablet -.-

so you see my first design was an old asian lady with an apron in a hopefully recoginsable chinese - white outfit...  (based on how my grandma used to dress when she came to england, minus the fleece jacket)
the other image has some simpler variations, no colour.... 
please excuse the random half compliments written at the bottom of my page, if you follow my blog you'll see them jotted around as a little gift from my boyf -.- cute and sad at the same time i know...

so i scanned the drawings in and traced the outlines a little, cleaned up the drawings, coloured it all in ... and this photoshop file appeared:

I've yet to have any feed back on it but i think theyre adorable as hell and they match the style i believe they have :) hopefully these will get used... or atleast one of them...
i used different colours in each outfit in the hopes theyll like bits and pieces, mix and match them to make a character if they dont like any one individual drawing :)

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