Monday 25 April 2016

Dance Video Reference

Stage 1 of the Dance Piece - thumbnails and a video.

well i have the first part checked off...
I'm running a little behind schedule with my 2d Motion Studies Project, the lip sync and sign language is taking much longer than i predicted, pushing this back even further.
but i met up with two dancers and the made a short 30 second video of some contemporary dance, they don't interact much, but mirror each other instead which i thought was a cool concept, so i can't just mirror my drawings, theres a smaller female and a taller male character doing opposing movements, meaning I'm getting more practice with both the figure and motion.

so heres the video :

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Artist Research

so Ive been looking around the web for some artists that paint in a similar style as myself, but with a couple of little changes, so for one, they have to create beautiful pieces that id aspire to create, they need to use the same framing techniques, but different pallets and brush marks are so interesting to try, there were quite a few things i was looking for, and these two artists seemed to really hit the mark.
I am researching them for a reason, that being my portfolio work and my background work must all relate to these naturalistic artists, hence why i was looking for something similar, but not exactly the same. i learnt a lot from layout and composition just looking through both of their artworks trying to decide on my favourite pieces to include. 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Self Portrait and co.

4 Days of photoshop work, and i finally completed this piece only to find out that our 20s experimental pieces can't be created on the computer... never the less, ill speed it up to 5 seconds and use it in my final self portrait piece :) taking a photo every single block of colour, and using windows movie maker to quickly change the image duration to 0.03 seconds each before further compressing it as a video file in premier pro to 20 seconds ( from 45seconds - there were over 500 photos)

either way, i still like it :)

Self Portrait Project - stop motion clips

took a day of planning and creating, and then a day in the studio using DragonFrame to 'film' these three short pieces. 
hopefully i can edit them together with some of my drawings to create my final self portrait piece, but its not as 'experimental' as i think Derek is expecting. but its taken a long time to get the components together so far and I'm not complete so I'm hoping I've done enough on this project so far to make an outcome i will be happy with.

Self Portrat Project - the Experimental Project.

This piece is a quick drawing then coloured with berol felt tips. the overall piece is sketchy, taking only 20 minutes, but as i had to speed it up to 20 seconds, i kept the drawing pretty quick.
it was originally a photo taken 3 years ago when i finished my A2 exams, when we first got the pup, Jasper, in our back garden.

i like this piece, but I'm going to keep trying with more drawings, hoping that i improve, and next time, i don't move the camera and get my hair infront of the lens. Practice makes perfect :)

Friday 8 April 2016

portfolio - Perspective Drawings

So the Portfolio Project, set by Kathy, requires five perspective background pieces. I will be updating this post as the pieces develop, but for now, piece number 1 in their steps. I started with a ruler and pencil, then continued with shaping before continuing with watercolours being conservative to the basic block colours in the standard pallets. 

 the second piece - this piece took a really long time, interiors are so confusing to me and the perspective lines can get a little confusing. However this is the first time I've attempted drawing something like this, so i feel a little proud of myself.

Saturday 2 April 2016

The Easter holiday check list

Easter Holidays has been, so far, a horrific time. Overwhelming amounts of work with no time to complete it all. I wrote the list (below) to help me organise my time, no order of importance, just a list as i thought of them... more tasks have been added since and still none of it completed. The problem is, i never know where to start, and the stress of all the work and the list with nothing checked off it stalking my dreams. I've started some of the tasks, such as the parallax piece, and completed 2 of the 5 perspective drawings, I've started foliage drawings for my sketchbook but with no idea of how many drawings i am meant to do, the size, the mediums - the brief gave no detail. there are many things half done, started or almost there but then i look at the list and read down the list until theres something that doesn't sound too horrifically stressful to start. What I'm saying is. Animation is hard, its loads of drawing the same thing over and over again, and i want to get it all started so that i can finalise all the pieces on the same day and skip the crossing out of bullet points and just throw the whole list away, its just getting there, to that point... 

New Website

New Animation Website