Sunday 9 October 2016

Update: I get Headaches

Ive been struggling the past couple of weeks to get any work done, but this week has been by far the worst. Two weeks ago my dog died, and last week my grandmother. So now I spend the majority of my time on the phone to my mother when I'm not in class, and while I love her and theres nothing I'd rather do that make sure she's okay every day, it means that I'm pretty much incapable of doing any work.
This is not to say I've been slacking off for the last 7 days, it just means I've been doing more research and tv watching than drawings, designing, and most importantly animating. In fact, i don't think I've animated anything in the past two weeks. Being so out of touch with the university and my work makes in more daunting than ever to open up toon boom, cel action or tv paint in order to get started on any actual animating. Its all planned out, every shot, every movement - the problem is, I've lost touch with the art work, I seem incapable of drawing a proper figure outside of my mind, let along a whole storyboard to turn into an animatic.
Never the less, this is my weekly update:

so as far as research goes, Ive been looking through The Animation Bible  and some other character design books

I also started a new sketchbook last week during the Presentations at the Poly, started with a couple pencil sketches, but its only been a week:


And then there was life drawing this week, as there now is every week :/ first is a pencil sketch and the second was a later drawing in the session in brown chalk and black charcoal.

some extra work I attempted was the drawing below, a test to see how long it would take me to draw a single frame of Art Nouveau Style animation. So ill tell you now, it took me about 45 minutes to an hour.... way too long to make a 5 minute animatic in my opinion. 

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