Tuesday 11 October 2016

Pick n Mix project (Installment no. 1)

So the Pick n Mix project started on Monday, the third - and yes I had to check the date...
so. what have I done so far? well.. i struggled for ideas up until saturday. I spoke to Kathy and Derek (my lecturers) and they suggested branching off from my cards and coming up with something related to the cards but not exactly true to the words I was provided.
so I shall explain.. My last post was about the Art nouveau remake piece, which was the first instalment of this project, we were provided on the 3rd with a further three cards with random words on them. My cards read:
Style: Art Nouveau
Place: New York
Show: Reality tv
Character: Ceramic knick knacks. 

So everything was going fine until the characters, thats where all my ideas stopped and I hit, not a mental wall... more like the project was this bottomless pit and the only way to escape was to come up with an amazing idea not only my lecturers would like but my class would too. so... it was hopeless, and I'm scared of the dark, and failing, so I got myself into this downward spiralling anxiety ridden project. 
So, when in such a predicament you speak to friends and teachers for ideas

I literally had nothing. it had been 5 days since the class and usually id be full of ideas, incapable of just choosing one. but this time i was done for. there was nothing. my house mates tried to help but even then.. it wasn't working. 
I literally gave up on saturday night. sat down, watched tv ate dinner with some housemates and chilled.

epiphanies happen at the most random of times. ill tell you that for sure. id ben straining my brain for an idea for 6 days straight and id even tried to pretend like i was chilled and not thinking about it in order for something to come to me, but it wasn't until id literally given up all hope and just said i won't even bother, ill wing it in a week, that i realised something I read. 

You see id done loads of research, on each one of my cards and it was a single line of text in pages and pages of reading that i remembered something along the lines of 'Reality Tv is any program which is partially or completely unscripted' - you know what that means:

Chat shows  - Late night with Seth Meyers
- The Graham Norton Show
- The Tonight Show staring Jimmy Fallon
- The Ellen DeGeneres Show
- The Late Late Show with James Corden 
They all count!

Comedy Tv - QI
- 8 out of 10 Cats
 -  Mock the week
- As Yet Untitles
This is where the ideas started flowing.

So heres the research bible so far :)

Proof of Concept and research into Reality tv:
Ceramic Knick Knack research
Art Nouveau in New York Research

This is when i started brainstorming ideas and had a brain melt. Nothing worked. Nothing Fit. Nothing seemed just right. There were ideas but not one that I actually wanted to produce. 

So, i continued my research into how id animate, what colours i should use to display certain moods or time periods.  Then into character design, hoping that if I came up with a character I liked then maybe I could construct an animation around the character...

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