Tuesday 11 October 2016

Pick n Mix Project (Installment no. 2)

So yesterday i posted about all my issues with the Pick n Mix project I'm currently doing and Ive gotta be honest, getting all that doubt and anger with myself out on paper... kind of.. really helped. I continued my night doing this basic storyboard for an intro.. hopefully explaining my story for the series I am to complete.. So... S1 E1 of Snowball Snowdown - and yes ill probably change that... because its corny af.

So this is the basic intro sequence on the left and to the right theres the basic shots ill need for the episode as any one person speaks.

So the premise is, its a game show.. kind of like... QI meets James Corden meets Mock the Week...  Basically, Snowball the ceramic Cat is like the Stephen Fry of the Animated world, he knows all, though he doesn't have a sidekick. Ted the Teddybear (all names are subject to change because clearly I can't be trusted to name anything... Hell i named my dog bossy and my plant oxygen.. ) and Bobo the Bronze Owl are regular Characters on the show, and team leaders who each have a guest on each episode as their team member. 
the shots I planned to use were al close up to mid shots of individuals or their pairs and the occasional  longshot to display the whole set for things like scores. I was playing with the ideas of panning shots for movement of characters so that the character can be on a walk cycle loop as the background moves as its meant to be animated in 2D. 

So.. 'Why is the script not included Tasha?' i hear you ask. Well.. ITS REALITY TV WHICH MEANS I DONT HAVE TO WRITE A SCRIPT!
best thing ever about reality tv with this project is, I can write questions and answers on cards and give it to the person who's going to be voicing Snowball and then give random answers to the other 4 voice actors some of the answers to be correct and others not.. but they won't know... and basically, sit everyone down. get people to just have a chat around the questions and then make jokes as they go... 20 minute episode with around 5 questions in total... simple... then all I would have to do is edit the sound track together, film the voice actors as they go as reference footage for movements, as well as lip-syncing. 

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