Friday 19 February 2016

Off the scale pt3

today i took the initiative to sit down and paint. it didn't have to be anything in particular, just something. Ive spent 3 days creating a rig in photoshop and cel action, i just needed some time away from a screen... 
I started with a 10cmx10cm canvass. and i sat like that. with it just in front of me for around 20 minutes with my head in my hands wondering where to start. I wasn't going to give up. i had to do something. I started painting my nails and when i put the pot down it ended up on the canvass... well at least thats a start. i drew a round it and i had my starting point. a circle -.- 
 It took me a while to think of anything to do with a circle. i thought about a poke ball, and then drawing jigglypuff from above, or something anime related... but i didn't want to do animation stuff, I missed fine art. you can see how my idea progressed...

so i ended up with some sort of planet, sun thing? not sure what really.. but i like it. its small and somewhat detailed. good enough for a 'just sit down and do something productive' piece. :)

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