Monday 29 February 2016

Urbex pt 1

just some visual aids to help me construct an environment in Maya over the next couple of weeks. Hoping to create an abandoned building room, peeling paint, dirt on the floor, some chairs with dust - maybe some nocked over, some wine glasses - some cracked, next to a broken piano, and a big arch window... i would like do model some greenery, so ivy coming in through broken windows, but we will see how well the project goes, i have a feeling just the basic walls and ceiling will take me an hour or two already as i seem to be a little inept when it comes to Maya and Autodesk software :/ 
Fingers crossed

Sunday 28 February 2016

The Pokemon Project.... Day 1

okay.. it sounds a little sad, but I'm hoping by drawing every day on the tablet, using the wacom tablet, getting used to photoshop, learning, experimenting, that ill get better at all this stuff. I had to choose something i loved, and what better than something I'm obsessed with. I mean, I can already draw 360's of some pokemon so why not use that obsession to help fuel my progression with new soft and hardware... Im hoping to do a couple a day, but if not, ill at least do (hopefully) one :)

so here goes, Day 1, Bulbasaur:

Saturday 27 February 2016

Self Portrait Project - getting started

So I made some headway today with regards to my Self Portrait Project. and by headway, i mean i actually started it! FINALLY!

Okay, where to start... I picked up my favourite lined paper book, grabbed a grippy pen and googled myself. I had a look at what people could see about me, what i knew about myself, and then a little history of my families... theres some stuff there.. theres all the chinese pressure to become a lawyer.. theres the english side who are just happy if you get to uni... theres great grandparents with success and a cousin who was murdered, theres.. (my family is a mess)


So. I wrote facts about me, and the year of the pig. i wrote about lucky charms and numbers, friends I've had, friends I've lost, pets and hobbies.. anything i could think of...
but then i did something i didn't think that anyone else would try as research into ones self... I got my boyfriend to write some stuff about me... not my name and hair colour.. other stuff... and.. i was pleasantly surprised :)

So basically, since then, I've had loads of ideas.. but i don't want it to be a 'draw your life' kind of thing... i was some drawing, some symbolism, some animation using toonboom, photoshop and hopefully after effects :) I'm hoping to do a little stop motion as I've balanced my camera between two elevated skateboards and put a LED lightbox underneath.. so hopefully.. :/ theres so many ideas and i didnt really know where to start until today when i had a dream about how to get the camera in the right place.... i know.. its sad that i dream of ways to get around issues in my work.. -.- I'm so lame...

but here we are, the first piece for my Portrait Project.
 i know its a terrible drawing, but you need to bare in mind that i was drawing onto of a photo, on top of a lightbox, while filming, trying to do this as fast as possible... and. i did it in fine liner, you couldn't make stuff out so i had to go over it in marker!!!! so yeah.

next stage is to put it into photoshop, colour it in, and then maybe animate the faces to blink a little in toon boom later.. if i have time and the effort... :/

Wish me luck

- xox -

Opposing Characters

DGA 120, Motion studies, with Nick Harrop.

Nick has a thing with setting us work that should take us a week and a half, but overlapping it with other things, so..... this week... ( Term 2, Assignment 2) were working on two character designs, but they have to be polar opposites from each other. the premise is, the two must work together to get over a wall.  Its Friday, and I've already done the characters and turn around sheets, but I've made a boo boo already. i coloured the turn around sheets in and I don't think we were meant to... but i guess its less work for the following week when a random class mate has to clean up my animation and colour the scene....  :/ whoops?

im not exactly sure how the timing charts work, and i guess now I'm going to have to just get rid of the colour ... yay :)

(btw their names are Rupert and Rick) :)


so the idea for the animatic is, working in 4's, hopefully, Rupert comes plobbing along to the wall where Rick is sitting. Rupert pokes Rick, pointing up to the top of the wall. Rick gets up, bends down, picks Rupert up, throws him over the wall. then when Rupert lands on his backside, and yells, Rick pops his head round a Brick pattern hidden door, sees he's fine and  closes it behind him.

i feel like thats way too much, its only 4 lines of text but i feel like the person that gets this to clean up and colour is going to hate me... :/ at least i won't have to do all the in-betweens :)

Friday 26 February 2016

Eevee Evolutions

So, I have a slight obsession with Eevee, and all its evoltions, real and imaginary. Basically, Im going to make a page once ive done a second Eevee Evolution drawing, but for now, its my ideas for a ghost Eevee evolution if it were to evolve during the day. I want to make a Night evolution too, but im not very good at drawing smoke :/ 
Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4:

Stage 5:

Thursday 25 February 2016


So I was allocated Project Manager today for out Penryn 800 project.... so that either means everyones going to hate me for nagging them to get the work done to we can finish the animation, or they'll love me because we might (hopefully) get an amazing grade and blitz this term.... but i doubt it... :/

i did all the organising today so I'm pretty chuffed with myself - a predominantly lazy sofa dweller. drafting up a schedule for the next couple of weeks with all the jobs that need to be done, informal deadlines, COLOUR CODED OF COURSE. i even  wrote a proper script today for the the in-betweeners to go along with ( thats myself and Sophia) as well as the background designer (Adam)

im not exactly sure what Chris is doing, but thats because he's been away for over a week with family problems... he could be lying but id like to think he would make stuff like that up... We will of course be finding something for him to do, a project to take over. I might even allocate him Swords, Bows and Sheilds to design for the Spanish troops.... we shall see :)

Im just so happy I'm finally getting organised and getting on top of things.

Pendennis Castle

New Website

New Animation Website